Friday, November 28, 2014

Keeping Our Children Safe

These and similar headlines in newspapers have shocked, horrified and shamed us. As a society and as a nation we seem to have failed to guarantee even the most basic right that we owe our children. Following each incident parents register hold demonstrations, politicians talk stringent action and police promise speedy investigation. Yet nothing changes; after a couple of days the news falls off the headlines and the issue is forgotten till next such incident happen.
However we as parents, teachers and stakeholders owe it to our children to ensure that these incidents do not happen in the future. We need norms that schools are mandated to follow so that each child is safe in the school.
The following are few simple, practical suggestions to protect our children 

  • All adults working in the preschool should be vetted. Employees need to provide testimonials that schools should validate. All employees- teachers as well as all administrative and support staff- should undergo police verification as well.
  • A written child protection policy should be in place listing dos and dont’s; at the time of induction this should be shared with the employees.  They should be required to sign a written statement indicating they have read the policy. This signed acknowledgement should be preserved in employee’s personnel file.
  • Children should be supervised at all times. No child should be let out of sight of the teacher-in charge. Class teachers should be present even when children go for co curricular activities or are playing outdoors. 

We invite comments and suggestions to make this list more comprehensive. After all learning and good education can follow only if our children are protected from this most horrific form of abuse. We need to act fast and decisively before another such incident makes it to the news headlines. 

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