Thursday, September 5, 2013


Inspire’s core belief that teachers have the greatest impact on the life of a child and that a motivated teacher is the greatest asset to society gives us a reason to celebrate this teacher’s day. We interviewed some teachers and asked three questions that drives them as teachers. While most feel that these were the questions often asked but the responses often unheard. We take this opportunity to share with you The Voice of Teachers.

Q1. What made you pursue teaching as a profession?
According to most teachers, teaching being a woman dominated profession, was an obvious choice as parents wanted their daughters to be safe, be able to tend to their families and certainly at one point of time it was the most convenient option. For few others, the reasons were simply that entering this profession is the easiest due to low entrance barriers except a B. Ed certification. Many say that because they idolized their teachers they long before had decided to be teachers whereas most felt that the passion kindled only after becoming teachers.
One of the most touching responses was from a teacher who did not want children today to be victims of system failure as she was. She set out to make a difference in every possible way.

Q2. How do you visualize your career path?
From the tete a tete with teachers who were beginners, to teachers whose careers spanned over several decades, we realized that the beginners were brimming with hope that they will inch forward and become better teachers as they gain more experience, while others aspired and hoped to grow in the school ladder. And there are some who plan to be children’s books author. There were few success stories too to share where the career shaped as planned and dreamt of. Alarmingly, majority felt discontent and stagnated as they continued to teach the same classes and subjects over many years. Some even accepted that they were comfortable and complacent.

Q3. What are the motivators and challenges of teaching profession?
Most teachers felt gratification through the joy and pleasure that children bring along. The fact that they have been able to impact many lives continues to motivate them to touch many more. The appreciation and respect from students, parents, school authorities and the society have been the greatest motivators. 

Challenges have been many, and the greatest being striking a balance between being a career woman and a homemaker. The demands of the job being emotionally, mentally and physically too high, teachers do acknowledge that at times they are not able to justify their jobs fully. Challenges are school specific and at various levels- they can be classroom bound, administrative and even policy level.   Inadequate teacher student ratios, heterogeneity in learning abilities, demands from parents are major challenges of the classroom. Most teachers find executing CCE (Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation) along with classroom transaction the most challenging part of their job.

We conclude that for majority teaching was not a chosen profession but an easy to walk in profession. The barriers for people aspiring to be teachers need to be raised as teachers are instrumental in shaping and preparing the upcoming generation. Teachers should be able to experience growth for which they should be trained time and again through a variety of teacher education programs and be granted performance based appraisals and promotions as any other organization.

“A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.” Henry Brooks Adams
A happy and a satisfied teacher only can influence her students in the positive way. Inspire wishes everyone a Happy Teachers day.